Markroad IP will provide the best service there is to our clients

Markroad IP stands on the basis of MARKROAD that established in the late 1980 when the concept of intellectual Property Rights (IPR) was not becoming generalized.
For a long time Markroad IP was active as specialist of intellectual property management especially for the overseas brand names, and for this we keep a close cooperative relationship with leading law firms government investigation bodies as well as international risk consulting firms.
With these management system and environment, Markroad IP do its best to protect our client’s intellectual property.
Markroad IP will not limit our service to a simple approach but will look for the fundamental solution
to solve our client’s intellectual Property problem.

Our raid service will not only simply support the raid action on software, but will also provide more detailed solution to the infringement.
Protection scope
1) Raid on infringer violating trademark law or copyright law
2) Supporting government bodies in case of violating design protection law or unfair competition law etc..
3) Supporting government bodies in case of software infringement
Preliminary Investigation service
Markroad IP has extensive know-how and experience in investigating infringers who manufacture and distribute counterfeits.
1) Information research
2) Vehicle trace and stake our
Cooperation and raid with enforcement bodies
Based on our long experience in the field of IP protection activities, Markroad IP has strength in cooperating with enforcement bodies and obtaining relevant evidences at the raid scene.
1) Organizing raid with enforcement bodies
2) Obtaining relevant evidence

Professional investigation team continuously searches Similar or infringed of clients
Market Research
Markroad IP provides investigation service to protect our client’s intellectual property.
In order to understand the current status of products violating trademark, design protection and copyright law, we visit Dongdaemoon and Namdaemoon as well as the other major cities in Korea to provide market research service.
In addition, Markroad IP provides more professional service to support legal response, such as obtaining samples as evidence and fact checking.
Trademark & Design usage investigation and on-line monitoring
Markroad IP is specializing in trademark & design investigation for Cancellation trail of registered trademark not in use, handling over 70 such cases a year.
To this end, the investigators of Markroad IP are working hard to strengthen their research capabilities and have gained high confidence from customers.
As for the On-line Monitoring, professional investigators are constantly monitoring infringing sites.
Based on above process, Markroad IP provide deleting
service of the infringing posting that are uploaded
at Auction, G-market, Naver Smart Store, Blog, Kakao Story and other internet community café. Also with the investigated information, we help our client to take legal procedure.

The IP protection service of Markroad IP is not only limited to already infringed cases but also provides advanced prevention program.
The IP protection service of Markroad IP is not only limited to already infringed cases but also provides advanced prevention program.
We analyze the most recent infringement cases for our clients, to act against the illegal activities they face upon.
Therefore our service not only focus onto simple infringement investigation - we also try to provide suggestion and solution to the various problem that might arise.
Such consulting work will help our clients to:
1) Register their trademark, design or copyright
2) Amend & add the designated goods or service of already registered trademark
3) Solve various problems raising in parallel importing process
4) Deal effectively at the time of dispute caused by similar design or similar products.
#104, B1 Keuresin Tower 3-cha, 375, Achasan-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea